Monday, February 4, 2008

I am on a roll...

I am constantly checking everyone's blog to see their new updates, but rarely do I look at my own blog. Elizabeth pointed out to me that I had a few comments on one of my posts asking me to please update my own blog. I had never noticed them lol! So here I go....Billy finished his first semester at school and is now 1/3 of the way through his second. He is doing really well and is EXTREMELY busy. We usually only see eachother on the weekends if we are lucky. I am however impressed how he can manage his time so well. I would be having a mental breakdown if I had to juggle all the things he does on a day to day basis. Wedding plans are pretty much done. I wanted to get them out of the way so I could focus on school. We have decided to get married at St Thomas More, which is Billy's parents church. We had to meet with the priest and he agreed to marry us. We will be having a ceremony with out a mass. The church is beautiful (picture is below), I wish I had pictures of the inside but I don't unfortunately. The reception is still at Memorial House. I won't go into every detail of what I have planned for the wedding because I know it is boring to other people, but we only have the small details left to plan and the major stuff is done. If you want to check out the photographer I picked her link is on my page, its Opie Foto. I am in love with her pictures, she is so creative and fun! Another fun thing to mention is I am lucky enough to get to watch my niece every tuesday and thursday mornings! I love that I get to see her everyday. I am currently in the process of trying to get her to call me Aunt Bob. She can't say my name, but she sure can say Bob. Hopefully it is a nickname that will stick because I think it would be funny if she said to her mom and dad a few years from now that she wanted to go visit Uncle Billy and Aunt Bob! lol.....I'm sure Billy will find that entertaining as well...... :)


  1. You're so cute.. i will call you Bob too. Im still in shock that Billy turned you Catholic.. werent you supposed to make him see the light? What a disappointment you are. :) lol... i kill me.. and i sure love ya.

  2. I saw Opie Foto while deep in blog stalking universe the other day and thought she was very clever and artsy. Are you going to do the dress trashing photo shoot too? Some of those pictures I thought were the most interesting, actually.

  3. I really like to hear what you two are up to. So keep em' coming. I really do want to hear the boring details of wedding planning and such. I also think you should do the boudoir photos with Opie. Billy would dig that. I'm not sure I'd want to be on her blog though...
