Thursday, August 14, 2008

I am a slacker!

So I have a TON of blog catching up to do. I thought the best thing to start with would be my bridal shower. My good friend Elizabeth threw my a FABULOUS bridal shower. The food, games and company were great. Everyone told me what a great little hostess she was! I got a ton of gifts that were much needed and appreciated. Elizabeth had me put on this apron when I first got there that had a BUNCH of kitchen crap stuffed in the pockets. She told me to greet the guests as they came in and if they asked about the apron make up some lie as to why I was wearing it. Once everyone was there Elizabeth told me to take the apron off. She then told everyone they had to name all the items that were stuffed in the pockets of the apron. It was such a cute idea I thought, and I got a cute apron out of it :)! We also played bridal pictionary and my teamed kicked trash! Thanks again Elizabeth for the great shower and yummy yummy food!


  1. You look a little confused in the picture. Let me help you. Those are mixes. You use them with other ingredients to create food items. Those particular food items aka mixes are sweet and will make Billy happy. ;)
