Thursday, August 14, 2008

White Trash Fun

Last Saturday Billy and I went with my brother and sis-in-law Camille to the demolition derby! We started this tradition with them last year and let me tell you it is a lot more fun than you think. There is just something about metal smashing into metal. While we were there it started to rain like crazy and we used our blanket to cover our heads and the extremely white trash people in front of us heads as well. See picture above....hilarious! Anyways it was a lot of fun and if anyone would like to join in on our white trash fun you should join us next year!
These girls were the worst singers ever,
but they did warn us that they were.
Watch the flag hit one of the girls in the
face.....hee hee.

1 comment:

  1. thats guys teeth remind me of what i looked like before braces.. aka the picture Daniel put up with us and Dookie (RIP).
