Sunday, November 16, 2008

Equality for all....

Saturday I went with my Aunt Liz and Aunt Kathy to the Proprosition 8 protest. It was a good experience as well as an eye opener. I have never been to a protest before so I had no idea what to expect. When we first arrived there were only a few people, and as the music started the people started coming in the masses. It was honestly a very peacful rally, good music and good speeches. I was looking around at the crowd and I could just see the love between all of the couples and how much they desire to have the same rights as everyone else. As the crowd started to march we walked by a truck load of people yelling hurtful chants one of which was "Shame on you!" There was absolutely no love in that truck and it was a very icky feeling walking by, looking these people in the eyes and seeing nothing but hate. I know how it made me feel to see and hear what this truck load of people were saying, but I can't even imagine how it made my Aunts feel. I turned to my Aunt Liz and said, "I can't believe this," and her response was "Welcome to our world." I just don't understand how there can be so much hate. I just want to tell my Aunts that I love you and support you fully, and to remember that change will happen and "the sky will not fall chicken little!"


  1. I sooo wish I could have gone! i too am 'straight, but not narrow"! :) Love you all!

  2. Excellent post...
    I was there taking pictures. Some of them are posted.

    Thanks for linking to my photo blog.

  3. Thank you Becca for being there with us. It meant the world you being there and it means a lot to us to know that you support us and our relationship. We love you! Aunt Liz and Aunt Kathy

  4. Well said. It is so sad to me that people feel it necessary to push their beliefs on to others. Civil rights are for everyone... not us those the majority happen to agree with.
