Monday, November 10, 2008

Stop staring at my lip

My biggest fear of my wedding day was that I would have a huge cold sore. Luckily this did not happen because I overdosed on my medication. Well I think the herpe gods were out for revenge and cursed me with the biggest cold sore EVER! Since I did not get one for my wedding it decided to come for my sisters wedding instead. My whole upper lip was swollen and I looked ridiculous. So I am sorry my cute sister for ruining all of your beautiful wedding pictures with Mount Herpe on my upper lip. The other thing that sucks about having a growth on your lip is no one wants to say anything, they just stare at it. I would just feel so much better if people would ask me, "What's up with your face?" then have them stare at my lip instead of my eyes while speaking to me. Ugh! Anyway it is getting better, the swelling is gone and now it just looks like I ate chocolate and I got some on my lip. Enough about me,Congrats Tricia and Jared on your marriage. It was such a beautiful day and I wish you both the best!

Here is a picture Camille took of me at the temple, trying to hide my hideousness.

Dancing with my niece

My two favorite boys!

Patricia & Jared 11-6-2008

Thanks Camille for the pictures ;)


  1. Dont worry, I mentioned it all night. That should make up for the people who didnt.

  2. You are so welcome for the pictures. I have a great one of your cold sore if you would like to post it I would be happy to email it to you.

  3. I hate cold sores!!! Luckily I didn't get one on the wedding decided to hit me with full fury on our Honeymoon in Florida. Yeah, that was interesting...

  4. I love the picture with the flowers covering the Mount Herpes!
