Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Elizabeth tagged me a week ago and I guess I have to do it :)

4 random things about my husband
1. He LOVES cake
2. He is surprisingly handy
3. He can sing country songs like no other :)
4. He makes the best lemon bars

4 movies I could watch more than once
1. For Love of the Game
2. Life As A House
3. Hot Chick
4. How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days

4 TV shows I watch
1. The Hills
2. The Office
3. Jon and Kate Plus 8
4. Pretty much any HGTV show

4 places I've been
1. England
2. Scotland
3. Mexico
4. San Francisco

4 people who email me regularly
1. Liz
2. Camille
3. Mom
4. Peggy

4 places I would like to visit
1. Africa
2. Italy
3. Bora Bora
4. Canada

4 things I am looking forward to this year
1. Getting my Associates Degree
2. First Thanksgiving with my husband (we always spent holidays separately)
3. First Christmas with my husband
4. Decorating my house for the holidays :)

4 people to tag
1. Liz and Kathy
2. Tanji
3. Camille
4. Amy, (you can write 4 random things about the person I live


  1. thanks for letting me borrow your husband, but I will use a pretend husband.

  2. I think she meant your mom, not Billy.
