Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Polar Express....

My new favorite Christmas movie is "The Polar Express." I LOVE the music in this movie and I just think it represents the true magic of Christmas. Ever since seeing this movie I thought it would be fun to go on the Polar Express train ride up in Heber. We went last friday and it was so much fun! However I don't think it would have been nearly as fun if we didn't have little children with us. My niece was super cute and excited the whole time. When she saw the train she would say "choo choo." At one point in the ride we looked outside to see Santa waving at all of the kids. It was more like a scene from a Halloween movie since Santa was surrounded by a bunch of red glowing lights. Erin was really concerned about Santa being outside and kept saying "Santa side, Santa side?" (side meaning outside). But Santa eventually made it onto the train and gave all the little kids bells. They also served yummy hot chocolate and cookies! We had a blast and I would definitely pay the money to do it again!

Can you tell she is excited?

"Santa side?"

They read the book to us.....

Erin watching Billy sing.....


  1. That looks like so much fun! Devon loves the Polar Express, if I need to get anything done, I throw in that movie and he just gazes at the tv. Too cute... could you imagine Devon and Erin together on the train? Maybe next year!

  2. I've always wanted to do that but its so expensive! Maybe next year. glad you had fun :o)

  3. This is so much fun when you have little ones with you! I did it with David's family for the first 3 years we were together. Did you know that Davids dad actually started the Heber Creeper? Fun little fact for you. Did you get your bell from Santa? That's the bell I've always had on my key chain. Clearly I know too much about this polar express experience! I hope you had fun.
