Monday, January 12, 2009

Battle on the Bayou...

What an awesome game, right? When Billy told me we were going to the game I was little hesitant to spend the money to go watch his team lose. I will fully admit I was one of those people who had absolutely no faith in the Utes. I must say I was very happy to be proven wrong! I am not the biggest football fan, but that had to be one of the best games I have ever been to. Who knows I may become a football fan now.....maybe :). I'm sure most of you watched the game so I don't need to go into detail, but what a game and also what an awesome city! It is now one of my favorites cities I have been to. If you get the chance to go it is definitely worth the trip! GO UTES!!!!!!

Pep Rally

Jazz music on Bourbon Street



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. David needed me to leave a comment for Billy.
    He said & I quote.... "Billy looks so cute holding the pug" End quote! Lol... David's a little Sh*t.
