Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I received this cute voicemail message from my niece and I had to share. Camille is being brave and attempting to potty train cute little Erin. So to receive a little praise for going potty on the toilet Erin and Camille called me, and since I never answer my phone, they left me this cute message. (Erin calls me Bob, for those of you who don't know.)

After receiving this message I called them back and told Erin what a big girl she was for going potty. Since that message I have received two calls from Erin telling me that she went potty. Apparently after she gets done going she says "Bob." I am looking forward to many more calls through out the day. Great job Erin and Camille! P.S. I love the little "Bye" from Erin at the


  1. hey bec! You look so gorgeous and happy! I found your blog on cass'! check out mine at xoxo katie shields kupukaa

  2. That is too cute Aunt Bob!! I'm working on Devon calling you Aunt Bob, but you and everyone else is Dad!! :o)
