Sunday, October 21, 2007

Found it....

I found my wedding dress today. I had made plans earlier this week to go with my mom and my sister to look at bridesmaid dresses and then that turned into wedding dress shopping. I had no intention of finding a dress or even buying one, but I did! I had a whole entourage of people there with me, but I'm glad they were all there to share that with me! It ended up being the second dress I tried on and I knew when I saw it that it was the one, every dress I tried on after that did not even come close. I would post a picture, but I want it to be a surprise for a certain someone....hee hee. Thanks again to my family for being there and also my good friend Elizabeth for helping me try the dresses on! Love ya!


  1. I love you my friend! All I can say is the dress.. you in it... STUNNING. Im so very excited for you!

  2. I think Billy is the one who should be wearing the dress. But that's just one man's humble opinion (and everyone else who knows Billy).

  3. Becca, you really need some new material on this blog! Get to it!

  4. Okay so I look here, oh just about every other day and there must be some other kind of planning or something happening with your wedding plans. No? Just a dress and a place - no flowers or mean people to speak of? Girl give me some content - (you probably are wondering why all the Roos' are stalking your blog - we have nothing better to do with our time - so hop to it.

  5. I tell Becca all the time to put something on here.. she doesnt. They have lots more to share about the wedding.. so yes Becca, get to it!
