Saturday, October 6, 2007


A lot has happened since my last blog entry. We have both been crazy busy. Billy started school at the U of U in the Executive MBA program. Which keeps him extremely busy. He has class once a week. He is such a dedicated student and I am amazed at how much time he sacrifices to focus on school. I am so proud of him! Poor guy has even had to miss a couple of Ute games. Last Sunday we went to the U together and studied. It was kind of nice to have him as my study buddy. He definitely motivates me to stay focused. I started another semester at good ol SLCC. I have been there forever and a day and I am proud to say that I should be done next semester, that is if they don't decide to spring another class on me that I didn't know about. I have met with three different counselors and all have told me different things. As far as wedding plans are going we have reserved a reception center. It is going to be at the Memorial House in Memory Grove Park. That is pretty much all we have done, but we have plenty of time. We set our wedding date and it is going to be July 26, 2008. It's going to be very hot, but we had a limited amount of options on dates since we have to plan it around Billy's school breaks. It works out nice because we think July 26 is the day we established ourselves as a couple four years ago, so it does have some sentimental value to it. I moved in with my brother and sister-in-law about a month ago to save money for the wedding. So it has definitely been an adjustment getting used to living with a house full of people. The plus side is that I get to see my cute little niece everyday!

I get to call this cute kid my nephew!
pretty much the cutest kid ever!

Billy is a goober!

Me and my cute niece!

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